Kannada to english converter
Kannada to english converter

kannada to english converter kannada to english converter

If you want to translate to English, select the output box language as English before clicking the "Translate" button. If you want to translate to Hindi, select the output box language as Hindi before clicking the "Translate" button.

kannada to english converter

Then select the output language where you want to translate your content then press the "Translate" button, within a few seconds your text will be translated into English To Kannada. For example, if you are typing or pasting English in the input box, select the language of the input box as English, if you are typing or pasting English in the input box, select Select the language of the input box as English. In it you can type words by word or just paste your entire acquisition into "Input Box" at a time and select the language in which you are pasting it in the Input Box.

Kannada to english converter